LAST UPDATED: 10.06.2018

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* Yellow date = Oldest Total Time
* Red date = Most recent time


*No Side-Attacks


*No Side-Attacks

I didn't bother with a video on this one, since my time on Very Hard difficulty is quite a bit better.


Excellent RNG.


*No Side-Attacks


I guess next step would be to apply AI bumps?

This is my cleanest Chapter 7 flight.
Could still squeeze in a few more Shift Boosts, though.

My goal is to eventually finish before the music loops.

*No Side-Attacks

Slower than my Very Hard record. This could need an update...

*No Side-Attacks


*No Side-Attacks

I didn't bother with a video on this one, since my time on Very Hard difficulty is quite a bit better.


RNG please...


*No Side-Attacks


I guess next step would be to apply AI bumps?

This needs to be updated very badly.

*No Side-Attacks

*No Side-Attacks


*No Side-Attacks

Missed the MTSISB at the start of lap 3. No AI bump either.

Below 1 minute is a possibility.


RNG is almost always problematic on this chapter.


*No Side-Attacks


I guess next step would be to apply AI bumps?

By far my best Story Mode record from 2011.

0"3 from lapping Deathborn...

*No Side-Attacks

Lap 2 was nice.

1'19"999 is something to strive for.

inserted by FC2 system